Sunshine Tech and Media

How to Set up CloudLinux on a VPS


CloudLinux is a popular operating system that is specifically designed for hosting environments. It offers improved security, better resource management, and better compatibility with cPanel. In this article, we will go over the steps required to set up CloudLinux on a Virtual Private Server (VPS).

  1. Set up the VPS. Sign up for a VPS hosting service and create a new VPS instance, we would recommend NameHero for VPS hosting. Specify the size of the VPS, the operating system (CloudLinux), and any other necessary options. Once the VPS is set up, you will receive login credentials and instructions on how to access it.
  2. Install CloudLinux. This can typically be done using a web-based control panel provided by the VPS hosting service or by accessing the VPS through a terminal and installing CloudLinux manually. To install using the control panel, log in and select the option to install an operating system. Choose CloudLinux and follow the prompts to install it. To install manually, log in to the VPS using a terminal program and install CloudLinux using the command line.
  3. Configure CloudLinux. Set up a static IP address, configure the hostname, and set up any necessary DNS servers. Edit the network config file (/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0) to set the “BOOTPROTO” value to “static” and specify the “IPADDR”, “NETMASK”, and “GATEWAY” values. Edit the “/etc/hostname” file to set the hostname and edit the “/etc/hosts” file to add an entry for the hostname and IP address.
  4. Install cPanel. Purchase a license from the cPanel website and download the installation script. Run the script using the command “sh latest”. The installation process can take some time. Once it is complete, log in to cPanel using the server’s IP address and the username and password specified during the installation process.
  5. Secure the server. Set up a firewall using the “firewall-cmd” utility. Install security updates using the “yum” utility. Use strong passwords and consider disabling password SSH access and root account access.

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